How to Write the Best Research Proposal Assignment

Research is a vast area that sometimes is a hard way to start. There are several steps in this process and reality, it is not linear. It helps to visualize an integrated cycle at any step of the process. The research process begins with a research problem. You scroll about and identify the topic you wish to research, specify the problem and justify the importance of studying it.

Then you review the literature to validate the theory that has been written about the topic you understand or what you can do, who the experts in the area, and the major publication in the field that you need to research. Most importantly it is larger to identify the major gaps and where your research fits into this.

You then develop the research questions, aims, hypothesis along with a conceptual framework. This is a tentative answer or the direction in which the research should go. It provides a lens for higher explained findings as well as a structural map for your research journey. Then you form the research design. This involves the timeline and feasibility of the research making the decisions about the type of data you need. The method you are going to use and analyze should be considered.

You need to find out which research method you are going to use whether that be quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-method. If you are doing research that involves participants or animal testing or looking into or looking into potentially informative about certain researches. Ethics are needed to be obtained before going into the research.

The data collection stage involves taking measurements, observing, or gathering information offering careful control of situations. Once you have your data, you analyze and interpret your findings to identify things or persons. To discuss the findings and conclude by validating your original hypothesis, aims, framework, and the research question concerning the evidence in published literature.

The final step is reporting your findings to remember the early way the research is translated or described in action is by you telling the research community about your findings.

A strong methodology in four simple steps

Step 1 Explain the methodological approach

This includes what is the research problem and what type of data you need to answer it. You may need to describe the characteristics of something, to gain more understanding of a topic, or to establish a cause and effect relationship. Next what type of data you need to achieve that end? You may need the quantitative data that are in numbers or qualitative data expressed in words. You may need to collect primary data by yourself or the secondary data that is already collected by someone else.

Step 2: Describe your method of data collection

Now you can move on to give full details of the research methods you use. Here you can include the sampling method for choosing participants from sources along with the tools, procedures, and materials that you used to collect the data, and lastly how you measure your variables. Especially in quantitative and experimental research, you should give a detail that can be replicated by other researchers. Dream Assignment has a team of talented writers for research proposal.

Step 3: Describe the method of analysis

In this step, you should describe how you processed and analyzed the data. You can avoid going to much detail here better demonstrate any of your results.

In the case of quantitative research where we deal with numbers, we might describe the data preparation before analyzing software that we used to analyze the data and what statistical method we used.

In the case of qualitative research, we focus on words. So here your analysis will be based on languages, images, and interpretations. You also can categorize the responses in themes and patterns.

Step 4: Evaluate and justify you methodological choices

 In this section, you have to answer your methodology, in other words why you chose a specific method. Also, don’t forget to describe why other methods are not fitted for your objectives. Also, assure how this approach contributes new knowledge or understanding. You can acknowledge the limitations or weaknesses that you chose but justify the piece by your strengths. If you want to Write The Best Research Proposal Assignment, you can talk to the experts.

Ultimate Guide to Research Plan Assignment

Here we are going to discuss what constitutes a research plan

When making a research plan always start early because in in reaching the due dates you may not going to deliver the proper benefits of the research.

 Ask yourself: “What requirements, factors or people do I need to be aware of to save time and successfully do my research?”

Choose your topic: If your given freedom to choose your topic without any restrictions, ask yourself, “What specific issues, objects or realities excite me more than any other?” once you have answered write down the top five choices.

Before nailing down your research question or research problem, read broadly on what is already being said. This is called a literature review. Sometimes may authors have written on your topic so you need to be creative to connect the topic to broader issue or problem and solving it in a way that no one else has done before. You can get Ultimate Guide to Research Plan Assignment. 

When you are ready to voice your research question, you need to connect your topic to a broader research problem of your choosing. This called aims of your research. The process of executing your research includes the methodologies. You will prefer to use and the reason behind it.

After considering the research problem and question you should look for the gaps where you could actually place your hypothesis and directly solve the problem and answer the question which you pose.

Purpose of research proposal

A proposal is one of the most important documents that you are going to write before you are actually starting your research program. It defines a question and describes the approach that you are going to take to answer that question. Without a research proposal, there is no plan and without a plan, there is no research project. In academics, people write a research proposal in order to get funds for their projects. It should be such so as to persuade someone. You can get original research plan assignment help.


Thus the key for writing a research paper requires in-depth study as well as well fitted data to incorporate in. For more help in writing research plan assignments, we provide assignment help. For further information, feel free to contact us as our helpline team will reach out to serve you better.

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